Facebook Likes "Aggressive Cleaning" - Technical Information Zone

Facebook Likes "Aggressive Cleaning"

Making Page Likes More Meaningful, or..?

Facebook has changed its Policies regarding the Facebook Like Count... The changes affect all Facebook users, starting from March 2015...
Facebook Will Remove Inactive Likes

Removing inactive Facebook accounts

The loss of Facebook Likes, you may have been experiencing, is not because there are to manny fake Likes on your Pages, but because Facebook is using their new statistical strategy to minimize Facebook like numbers to be more "meaningful". People who never used Social Media Exchange Community Websites, or any other Social Boosting websites, are experiencing the same issues.
The following disclaimer is shown on Facebook Pages:
"We've recently updated the way we measure how many people like your Page. Pages may see a decrease in likes after March 12, when we removed likes from inactive Facebook accounts."
Facebook is claiming that they are removing memorialized and voluntarily deactivated accounts from "Facebook Page Like Count", and that this change ensures that data on Facebook is consistent and up-to-date.

This can be seen even from the most prominent Facebook Page! By refreshing these pages, you can see that they are losing interactions (likes) every second. Why..?!
At this moment, it is most likely that Facebook is removing Likes from Profiles that are not active on your Page. This was implemented first by YouTube regarding Subscribers on YouTube Channels, as well as Google Plus Pages, and may have been the reason why this is happening now on Facebook. Most easier way to understand is that Facebook sets a expiration date to all of their Facebook Like interactions, for the users that are not repeatedly visiting your Page, but counts them back when they do.
Facebook Like Mobile
If a user that made an interaction on a Facebook Page is more active on the Liked Page, deactivated like is reactivated, the accounts interactions (likes) will be re-added to a Page’s like count. (Also mentioned at: Making Page Likes More Meaningful)
We fully support Facebook's idea of no "fake" accounts, but do not think this new Facebook changes are the right way to accomplish that.
We have conducted several test that have shown that Facebook decreases the Facebook Like Count, regardless of the validity of the FB Profiles that have made a interaction (like). We are waiting on Facebook to officially publish their new Policy so we can clearly see what that would mean for our community members, and how can we protect them from unwanted effects.
We do not want to mislead our community members in any way and that is why we are sharing this information with everyone. We believe that well informed community can make a difference, and that we all can benefit from that. Every new information about the Facebook Policy changes can be helpful, and we encourage our community members to share information with each other.
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